Lately, we've been thinking about all the good people we’ve known who’ve had a positive influence on our lives -- and how many of them would be surprised to know that they were an example, a hero, a mentor, or a friend in time of need.
Sure, we try to tell those we love and admire how we feel about them on occasion. Sure, we express appreciation once in awhile. But rarely do we really express our deepest, heartfelt feelings like we could. Maybe it’s because we’re afraid to get too emotional and stumble and stutter. Maybe it’s because we’re too busy being busy. Maybe it’s because we never learned how and we haven’t had enough practice. Maybe it’s because there’s always tomorrow.
Somehow, in our day to day living, we don’t seem to have enough time to tell each other, “Hey, you matter to me.” “Wow, I sure admire you.” “Thanks, you made a difference in my life.”
During the past several years, we’ve had the misfortune to lose a few family members and friends who have taken their own lives for various reasons. Without exception, they had no comprehension - at all - of the enormity of the number of people who would be touched by their untimely death and feel the sting of their departure. Without exception, they were unaware of the magnitude of their influence in the world. Maybe now they know how much we miss them.
Each person we get to know adds something to our lives. Neighbors, friends, old school chums, teachers, ward members and leaders, each and every family member (grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins, children, grandchildren), and even doctors, business associates, and the hair dresser - everyone makes a difference. Everyone has an influence, whether they know it or not.
If you’re reading this, you are an important part of our lives. If you’re reading this, we love and appreciate you more than we have told you. We cherish your example, your influence, your love, and your impact on our lives.
We look forward to taking the things we’ve learned from you to the people we will meet on our mission. We want to be an influence for good in the world. ~Pat~