During the first official week of our mission since arriving in Virginia, we’ve had some amazing opportunities to learn new things. Most days, we learned MANY new things. We are definitely stretching and spreading our wings. What a busy, exciting week!
- Throughout the week, our exceptional CES Coordinator, Brother Devin Toma, took us to visit the four different Institute classrooms where we will be teaching, including the 23rd Street Chapel in Mt. Vernon, the Annandale Stake Center, the Centreville Stake Center, and Student Union Building II at George Mason University in Fairfax.
- Tuesday, we were inspired by the teachings of Elder David Bednar as we participated in a worldwide CES satellite broadcast. We learned that teaching is not about talking and telling; it’s about listening and individualizing as we get to know our students and prepare to teach by the Spirit.
- Thursday, we saw missionary zeal in action when we got to attend the Washington, DC South Mission transfer conference. We met President & Sister Albright and heard inspirational talks from him, the zone leaders, and the APs. The mission reached a ten- year high of 62 baptisms in July. The enthusiasm and energy of that conference was exhilarating, and brought back strong emotions and memories from my mission to Switzerland some 48 years ago.
- Thursday evening we taught our first Institute class - at the Centreville Stake Center - on the life and teachings of Joseph Fielding Smith. We are already meeting some terrific Young Single Adults.
- Friday, we had a great time in the District with Amy and Colin, walking the Mall and visiting monuments, memorials, and Smithsonian museums.
- Saturday evening we were overwhelmed, once again, at the beauty of the stately Washington D.C. Temple as we had the privilege of attending a session.
- Sunday we attended Amy and Colin’s new ward at the old colonial LDS chapel on the banks of the Potomac in Mt. Vernon.
There’s a lot for us to accomplish on this mission. We’re ready to spread our wings and fly….

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