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Rome Italy Temple |
Having had the opportunity to live on the London Temple grounds for two years, with close-up views of the temple from every one of the windows of our flat, as well as our Visitors' Centre, I can easily imagine the joy of those who are now preparing to serve on the grounds of the Rome Temple, but my love for the temple started long before our experience in England.
I remember, as an 8-year-old, climbing onto the concrete foundation of the Los Angeles Temple which was under construction, and gazing up at the massive exposed beams of what would become one of the ordinance rooms. Because my grandfather was building a church meetinghouse in Northern California, and because he and my grandma loved temple work, they had driven down to visit us and to see the progress on the temple. Grandpa invited my mother and me to come along. I remember the reverence I had, even at that young age, as I walked on that sacred ground, dodging 2x4's and construction workers. I felt the Spirit testify to me that day that being able to return to the temple after it was completed was worth any sacrifice I would have to make.
The Los Angeles Temple was the tenth modern temple to be dedicated; the twelfth if you count Kirtland and the original Nauvoo temple. As of last October, the number of temples has now reached 201 - either in operation, under construction, or recently announced.
For me, temple attendance has not generally been a sacrifice; it has been a privilege and a blessing. I don't know how we have been so fortunate, but during nearly 52 years of marriage, we have somehow always managed to live within a half-hour or so of a temple. And more often than not, the temple is one of our destinations when we are on vacation.
I am so grateful that the gospel was restored and that through the authority of the Priesthood we are able to have the great blessing of temples. I love the temple and the saving ordinances and covenants we receive there. I know the power of the temple to bless us and our families. I testify that many profound blessings are activated in our lives through regular temple service.
From my own experience, the five great blessings of the temple have been:
- PEACE - Even though most of our lives are stressful, busy, and challenging, we can find peace in the temple. So many times, I have walked out of the temple a different person than when I went in, because of the peace I found inside. The chaos and confusion may still be waiting for me when I come out, but the peace I bring out of the temple with me gives me new energy and understanding to deal with it in a better way.
- POWER - There is a literal power from Priesthood ordinances and covenants that blesses us with a personal endowment (gift) from God. President Nelson (Oct. 2018) said, "More regular time in the temple will allow the Lord to teach you how to draw upon His priesthood power with which you have been endowed in his temple." In addition, through the sealing covenant, we are bound to God and to our families forever. That power can be found nowhere else on earth but in the temple.
- PERSPECTIVE - We can find answers for our problems and trials when we go to the temple, especially when we go fasting. Many, many times over the years, when I have been confused, heartbroken, overwhelmed, or grieving and I couldn't figure out what to do, I have gone to the temple fasting. The Lord has always given me direction and guidance - either sitting waiting for a session to start, during the session, or even a day or two later, but direction and guidance always come when I go to the temple fasting. One time years ago, the answer I needed came as I was parking the car, before I even entered the temple.
- PROTECTION - for ourselves and our families. Elder Richard G. Scott (Oct. 2012) said, "Do you... want a sure way to eliminated the influence of the adversary in your life? Immerse yourself in searching for your ancestors, prepare their names for the sacred vicarious ordinances available in the temple, and then go to the temple to stand as proxy for them.... I can think of no greater protection from the influence of the adversary."
- PURITY - So much of what we see and hear around us in the world is unworthy of who we really are. When I dress in white in the temple, I am reminded of who I really am, and who I want to be when I return Home. The temple helps me understand purity. We are literal sons and daughters of Heavenly Father, created in His image. In the temple, I recommit myself to getting rid of all that is unworthy in my life.
Just last October, President Nelson made this promise to all who would listen and believe: "Our need to be in the temple on a regular basis has never been greater. If you have reasonable access to a temple, I urge you to find a way to make an appointment regularly with the Lord - to be in His holy house - then keep that appointment with exactness and joy. I promise you that the Lord will bring the MIRACLES He knows you need as you make sacrifices to serve and worship in His temples."
It's true!
- Pat -
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